Our Story
Original Formula since 1850
Grether's Pastilles 嘉利仕果汁潤喉糖 以歐洲傳統卓越出品,結合對人文的關切情懷,將對健康的祝願蘊藏於每一顆糖果內,從味蕾滲至品嚐者的心中。
在這金罐子裡,你可以嚐盡這段歷時一百年的傳奇 ,以及嘉利仕為你的聲帶、健康以至生活帶來的無限滋潤。
Grether's Pastilles combines plenty of care, quality, tradition and craftsmanship - you can taste and feel. Based on an Original English Recipe dating back to 1850, they are created from selected ingredients using an elaborate manufacturing process.
Natural ingredients have a soothing effect on a sore throat and a strained voice. They relieve the tickle in your throat, help against hoarseness and provide a protective coat on exerted vocal cords. Moreover, owing to the unique three-months maturing process, Grether's Pastilles develop an intensive fruit flavor.
Here, you can find out everything about this legendary product in the golden tin, which is so valuable for throat and voice.